LIFT is a Christ-centered academic ministry that exists to assist parents of homeschool students ages 13 through 18, in areas they may not feel fully confident to teach. The program is not meant to usurp the GOD-given responsibility of the parents to educate their own children, nor to replace home instruction in the required academic areas.
Parents are expected to hold their students accountable for the work assigned in the LIFT classes and to continue the education of their students in any additional subjects not covered by the chosen LIFT classes. In order to provide the best education experience at LIFT, parents and LIFT instructors must work as a team. Students are expected to use this opportunity to practice respect for authority, to demonstrate responsibility in completing assignments on time, to exhibit a Christ-like character, and to exercise moral integrity.
LIFT offers a full array of core academic and elective courses including options for honors students. Classes meet on Monday, with math classes meeting Monday and Wednesday. Science labs will meet on some Tuesdays as modules dictate. Please see the class schedule on the home page under quick links for details.
Our Campuses

We are fortunate to have outstanding host facilities for our classes. Our primary campus for Monday classes is Vaughn Forest Baptist Church. Other campuses include Lakeview Baptist Church and Troy University Montgomery.
Our son loved his time at LIFT. The classes were challenging yet fun, and his instructors were wonderful, always willing to work with us and to help all their students. The instructors incorporated God and faith in their lessons and really wanted their students to succeed. From dissections and labs in science classes to the thought provoking discussions of Christian Worldview, LIFT has provided an amazing experience for our son, and that experience extends beyond just the academic aspect. Our son has formed true friendships, not only with his classmates but also with parents and LIFT faculty. Choosing LIFT was one of our best decision as a homeschooling family, and we would do it all again in an instant.
Vonda Smith, Parent
LIFT is great because the teachers believe in you and are willing to help you when you need it. It is also great because friends are easily made and there is a pizza day once a month. One of the reasons I want to go back is because of the chapels. I love them so much that I might want to lead worship next year in one of them. I am also excited about taking my next science class.
Matthew Tuck, Student
LIFT has blessed my life from both sides of the desk. Before I began teaching twelve years ago, both of my children participated in LIFT. The instructors they had touched their lives educationally and spiritually. I still remember the look on the face of my son’s instructor when he asked her to go for a ride in his new car, well, new to him! He was so proud to drive her around the parking lot. I also remember understanding my own limitations when my daughter asked me not to help her with her Latin anymore! Now that I am an instructor, I always look forward to the opportunities God grants me to touch the lives of my students. I have the blessing of watching students mature through the years and hearing of their wonderful accomplishments after graduation. I am so thankful to have had a small part in preparing them for the future God has designed for each and every one.